course 01
Geometry is that branch of mathematics which treats of spatial magnitudes and Examine the configuration of spatial forms. The word spatial relates to space, and space is the plenum or void in which all material bodies have their being.
Idealised 3-space is the abstract representational notion we have of the void or plenum in which we live and in which everything known to us has its being.
Descriptive geometry can be described as the method of accurately depicting objects through drawing and visually solving all issues pertaining to their shape and positioning.[1]
[1] The father and inventor of this discipline is Gaspard Monge, born in Beaune (France) on May 9, 1746. At the age of 17, after creating a plan of his hometown, he caught the attention of the staff at the engineering school in Mézières, and he was hired as a draftsman. His talents as a geometer quickly became evident when he drew plans for new fortifications considered impregnable at the time. His rapid and elegant graphical methods would be the foundation of what is now known as descriptive geometry.